International Art Networks Residency

Art Networks Residency

Dear global artists and creatives of all arts,

No one can deny that our era is marked by strong elements of isolation and the commodification of everything, including human relationships. As artists and creative individuals, we have an urgent need for teamwork and open communication. Especially as professionals in the arts, we need collaborations both within and beyond the narrow borders of our countries, the exchange of ideas, and the finding of resources for the production and sustainability of our work and our way of life.

For those of us who make a living or try to cover some expenses through our art, it is absolutely essential to acquire the know-how and networking.

The “art networks” call is addressed to artists interested in participating in the creation of an international network of exchange, collaboration, and support through various activities. It is a residency that will take place on the island of Poros in Greece, organized by the members of the artistic multi-space Calderone. It hopes to bring together artists and creative individuals from around the world and initiate a much larger and active network.

Dates: October 28 – November 4, 2024
Location: Niki’s Village Hotel and Apartments, Poros, Greece
Cost: €250 per person

The fee includes accommodation, breakfast, and the “Marketing for Creatives” workshop. All rooms have kitchens, and cooking will be a collective activity. The fee does not include travel to and from Poros, drinks, or cooking materials.

Alternative Participation: For those unable to attend the entire residency, it is possible to participate for a minimum of 3 days at a cost of €50 per day.

What to Expect:

  1. Workshop “Marketing for Creatives”: We will discuss traditional marketing and its specific nuances for artists and artistic spaces – 2 hours/day.
  2. Discussions and Knowledge Exchange: Planning around funding opportunities from private and public sectors in different countries – 2 hours/day.
  3. Co-living and Co-creation: Opportunities for collaborative artistic projects, with plans for potential relocation of our projects to other countries or within Greece at Calderone.
  4. Daily Workshops: Topics will be proposed and led by participants (final program to be announced after participant registration is complete).
  5. Initiation of a Core Group: Establishing the first nucleus of the network and division of responsibilities such as website creation, social media management, funding opportunities, etc.

Who Can Participate: Professional artists of all arts, individuals interested in working in the field of artistic production, and those who plan to engage with the organizational aspects of the network without necessarily participating in the artistic activities. Maximum number of participants is 12, including hosts.

Language of the project: English

Application Process: Fill out the participation form bellow, and we will contact you via email.

Sailing and Theater Arts

sailing and theater arts

Voyage of the Sences

Dear Adventurous Souls,

Embark on an unparalleled 10-day journey of artistic exploration and maritime adventure with Calderone’s Sailing and Physical Theater Residency, blending the realms of Sailing and Theater Arts. Led by stage director, actress, and acting instructor Mary Maragoudaki, this unique expedition offers a transformative experience where creativity knows no bounds. Join like-minded individuals from around the globe as we set sail to explore the enchanting landscapes of Andros, Gyaros, Syros, Delos, and Tinos. Immerse yourself in daily reflections, collaborative workshops, and the creation of a final performance, culminating in a celebration with the local community upon our return. Whether you’re an experienced sailor, a passionate performer, or a creative soul seeking new horizons, this journey promises to ignite your spirit and leave an indelible mark on your artistic journey.

Sailing and Theater arts

What to Expect:

🌊 Sailing and Exploration: Embark on an unforgettable journey starting from Andros, Gyaros, Syros, Delos, and Tinos. Explore secluded beaches, tranquil coves, and revel in nights beneath the celestial canopy – an enchanting fusion of sailing bliss.

🎭 Theater Arts Workshop: Immerse yourself in a bespoke theater arts workshop. Utilize your physicality to articulate your innermost self, drawing inspiration from our odyssey. It’s an opportunity to craft art amidst the ocean’s embrace. Facilitated by Mary Maragoudaki.

🤝 Co-Living and Co-Creation: Together, we’ll shoulder the responsibilities of our vessel, forging a collective living space. Each individual contributes to cultivating a harmonious atmosphere, both in navigating the seas and in theatrical endeavors.

🗣 Expression and Presence: Acquire the skills of performance art to articulate ideas and sentiments. Forge connections with fellow voyagers through shared endeavors, dialogues, and joint ventures – seamlessly merging the realms of sailing and theater arts.

🔄 Daily Reflection and Enrichment: Our daily gatherings serve as a forum for introspection and growth. Here, we exchange insights and ideas, ensuring every participant is integral to our voyage, enriching both the sailing and theatrical journey.

Voyage of the Senses

Join us for an extraordinary 10-day expedition combining the enchantment of physical theater with the thrill of sailing. Led by stage director, actress, and acting instructor Mary Maragoudaki, immerse yourself in a transformative journey where creativity knows no bounds.

🌟 Experience:

  • Craft a final performance amidst the stunning landscapes of Andros, Gyaros, Syros, Delos, and Tinos.
  • Collaborate with like-minded individuals from around the globe, passionate about art, adventure, and exploration.
  • Engage in daily reflections and enrichment sessions, fostering personal and artistic growth.
  • Connect with artists of all backgrounds, exchanging techniques and acting methods to unlock your potential.
  • Sail across pristine waters, embracing the beauty of the islands. Suitable for both experienced sailors and those with a love for sailing, as well as beginners who will have the opportunity to learn and experience the joys of sailing firsthand.

🎭 Live Performance Outcome:

  • Present your final performance to a live audience upon returning to Andros Island, showcasing the culmination of your artistic journey. Join us for a celebration with the local community after the performance!

📅 Dates: 07.07.2024-16.07.2024
📍 Embarkation & Disembarkation: Andros Island

Limited spots available (3-7 persons) – Reserve your place now for an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and artistic expression!

🌟 Who Can Participate?

  • Artists: Expand your creative horizons, whether you’re a painter, sculptor, writer, or any other type of artist.
  • Performers: Join us in exploring the intersection of physical theater and sailing, whether you’re an actor, dancer, musician, or performer of any kind.
  • Creative Individuals: No previous experience in the arts? No problem! If you possess a passion for creativity and adventure, you’ll find inspiration and guidance on this transformative journey.

How to Join:

Ready for this adventure? Fill out the form, and we’ll get in touch to secure your spot in this extraordinary sailing and theater arts journey.

Let the sea, the islands, and the art of theater be your guides on this transformative trip.

Fair winds and creative tides.


duration 10 overnights

Dates: 07.07.2024-16.07.2024

embarkation port: Andros
disembarkation port: Andros

price: 1200€/person or 1000€/person sharing a cabin

includes: boat expenses, fuel, water, food on board, port fees.

for 3-7 persons +skipper, +workshop host.

See the boat here: Lafri

How to Apply

If you’re interested in joining this adventure, please fill out this form Application form. Once submitted, we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

If you need more details, feel free to ask by email or whatsapp (scroll at the end of this page)


To secure your spot on the trip, a 40% deposit is required. The remaining balance is due by the start date, 7/7/2024. You can pay by card or by transferring to Calderone’s bank account.

Gender equality through theater and arts

erasmus+ calderone

Calderone’s Youth Exchange Program in 2024

Calderone, an organization dedicated to promoting arts and culture, announcing a significant youth exchange program for 2024, fully funded by the European Union and Erasmus+ program.

The theme of this program is gender equality, with a focus on the arts, specifically in the field of theater. It aims to eliminate gender stereotypes, gender-based discrimination, and violence by emphasizing the power of art as a means of awareness and change.

The program is expected to take place in the autumn of 2024 in Athens, involving young people from five different countries: Greece, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, and Italy.

Anticipated to provide a unique opportunity for individuals aged 18-29 to collaborate, learn, and create together, the initiative strengthens understanding and cooperation among different cultures.

Details regarding participation conditions and program content are expected to be released soon. This effort represents a step towards creating a more equitable and cohesive world through the arts and youth involvement.